EXCERPT: “An audit released by the Long Beach City Auditor’s Office that examined some of the city’s contract work agreements showed that the city lacks a meaningful way of measuring the consistency and completeness of the work it’s paying for, with the city sometimes paying more than what was originally approved within the terms of its contracts.”
Source: lbpost.com/news/city/2000010731-audit-reveals-long-beach-lacked-oversight-control-over-contracted-services?bt_alias=eyJ1c2VySWQiOiAiMCJ9
Notice a pattern? The real question is this: Is the City of Long Beach, under the administration of Mayor Robert Garcia and City Manager Pat West, innocent? In other words, are they just innocently incompetent?
Or is the lack of transparency when it comes to city outsourcing a cover for payback in the form of no-bid (or fake bidding), sweetheart contracts going to the deep-pocketed developers, landowners, port and transportation companies, and other special interests who proliferate the donor lists of the Garcia campaign committees, the Garcia officeholder account, and the unlimited pro-Garcia independent expenditure committees?